Uzhgorod, Ukraine



    Uzhgorod is a city in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine.  Until 1920, the city was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire; from 1930-38, part of Czechoslovakia; from 1938-45, part of Hungary; and after 1945, Part of Russia.  The city was a seat of Jewish learning and intense Jewish national and Zionist activities.  During Passover 1944, all the Jews of the city and surrounding area (about 25,000 persons) were concentrated in a ghetto, and three weeks later were deported to Auschwitz.

    The postcards below depicts the Central Synagogue of Uzhgorod which was dedicated in 1904.  The synagogue is now used as a concert hall, and all Jewish symbols have been removed.


Encyclopedia Judaica, CD-Rom Edition, Keter Publishing

Gutman, Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, P. 1555-56

Copyright © 1998-99 Edward Victor

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